“Man stands on the Word of God alone, but the cat can sit on it.”

We have started a fellowship group for young adults in our church where we all meet at our place once a week for fellowship and a bible study (currently- Judges). Brian leads the study, and we keep him on his toes with plenty of questions and comments. It has been a great way to grow closer with some of the parishioners as well as provide an easy way for young adults who visit our church to get plugged in immediately. We’ve already seen the first fruits of the group by adding a young adult to our group/church and will soon begin to include another young adult who lives too far away to come by attending via Skype each week. We would love if you’d join us in praying for our fellowship group, particularly in the areas of godly fellowship, spiritual growth, and as an effective outreach to visitors. 

P.S. Our cats get a lot out of our bible study too.  : )